
Call for Publications

Theme: Global Justice
Subtitle: The Current Situation and the New Challanges
Publication: Athena: Critical Inquiries in Law, Philosophy and
Date: Vol. 2 (2022)
Deadline: 30.4.2021


We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the next issue of
the journal ‘Athena – Critical Inquiries in Law, Philosophy and
Globalization’, which will be dedicated to the topic of Global
Justice. This topic refers to the different interpretations of the
problem of justice in the international frame, that can be addressed
through a plurality of approaches: from the concept of global justice
– quite different from that of international justice – and conceived
as a global (distributive) justice according to distinction among
relationism, non-relationism, pluralist internationalism (M. Risse),
to the relationship between international justice and law of peoples
(J. Rawls), to the concept of “cognitive justice” of Sousa Santos, to
that of justice according to TWAIL (Third World Approaches to
International Law), to the interpretation of justice in the frame of
a transcivilizational international law (Onuma Yasuaki), or according
to the perspective of “capabilities” (A. Sen) etc.

The scientific interest in Global Justice includes, but is not
limited to, the following topics:

- Theories of Global Justice
- Democracy, Sovereignty and Global Institutions
- Human Rights and Common Goods
- Inequality and Poverty
- Migrations, National Borders and Citizenship
- Climate Change, Global Environment and Sustainability
- Strategies for dealing with Global Crisis
- Global Health and Pandemic Challenges
- Multicultural and Gender issues
- Development, Trade and Economic Growth
- War, Peace and International Relations

A particular attention is to be paid to the question of Climate
Change that is currently at the centre of multiple, and
multidisciplinary, studies and research projects. Predominantly
interpreted as a technical-scientific problem, and thus as a question
of efficient management, containment and control of “nature,” the
question of Climate Change should also be seen as an opportunity to
call into question the socio-economic, political and (geo)political
causes of environmental problems, and namely of our predatory
approach to nature, and to relaunch the discussion on Global Justice
by addressing in particular its intergenerational and ecological
declinations, as well as the ways in which this debate has translated
into the adoption of new constitutional norms (e.g. in Ecuador,
Bolivia and many other countries) or policies and in the search for
“alternative sustainabilities.”

All the topics can be addressed with a multidisciplinary approach and
from different disciplinary perspectives: e.g. political science,
philosophy of law, ethics, political philosophy, international law,
political economy, human rights law and gender studies.

Relevant Information and Dates

Abstracts should not exceed 500 words in length and must be submitted
by 30 April 2021 to:
(Please insert luigi.sammarti...@unibo.it and
francesco.cavina...@unibo.it in cc).

Abstracts will first be evaluated by the editorial board who will
notify acceptance by 31 May 2021. The full paper must then be
submitted by 30 September 2021 for double-blind review; the
confirmation of final acceptance will be provided by 30 November

The paper should not be longer than 15000 words and 90000 characters.
The complete submission guide can be found under the “Author
Guidelines” on the journal's website:

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