
Call for Publications

Theme: The Coloniality of Natural History Collections
Publication: Locus: Tijdschrift voor Cultuurwetenschappen
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 30.5.2021


The scholarly e-journal Locus-Tijdschrift voor Cultuurwetenschappen,
published by the Open University of the Netherlands seeks papers
around the issue of ‘The Coloniality of Natural History Collections’.

For some time now, there has been a lively public debate about the
presentation and possession of objects from the former colonies in
Dutch and Flemish museum collections. The call for the decolonization
of museums is understood in different ways. For some, it is about
challenging and altering how these objects are presented and
approached, as they would still testify to a colonial outlook. Others
interpret decolonization as calling for the repatriation of these
items, for example, urgently questioning who the actual, rightful
owner of these objects is. In the Netherlands, the Advisory Committee
on the National Policy Framework for Colonial Collections advised the
Dutch government in October last year to express a ‘readiness to
return unconditionally’ cultural heritage objects that have (most
likely) been looted (cf. Colonial Collection and a Recognition of

So far, the presentation of animals and botanical collections, in
gardens and natural history museums located in former colonies and in
Europe, has received less attention in public debates. In response to
the above-mentioned advisory report, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
(Leiden) issued a statement that the situation would be different for
natural history collections compared to cultural-historical ones,
because the owned plants and animals were allegedly neither ‘stolen
nor alienated, but collected in nature’. However, among
ethnobotanists and scientific historians, curators, museum directors
and scientists, there is a lot of discussion about whether botanical
and natural history collections require similar critical attention
from a postcolonial perspective. For instance, Tinde van Andel,
senior researcher at Naturalis, accepted her position as Professor by
special appointment of the History of Botany and Gardens at Leiden
University with an inaugural lecture (Open the treasure room and
decolonize the museum) in which she calls for the decolonization of
natural history heritage.

Alexandre Antonelli, Scientific Director of the English Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew Gardens (London), recently announced a review of its
exhibition practices and policies. Also, an international conference
on Botany, Trade and Empire will be held there shortly, while the
Natural History Museum in London regularly organizes (digital)
exhibitions on postcolonial themes.

Following up on the successful OU webinar Who Owns the Botanical
Gardens? (in Dutch) which took place in October 2020, the Locus
editorial team intends to publish a special issue on these debates in
Autumn 2021. In this issue, we will examine the answers to questions
such as how do organic material, land, scientific and informal
knowledge, colonial and postcolonial power relations converge in
botanical gardens and natural history collections in the former
colonies and in Europe? To what extent are natural history
collections, museums and botanical gardens still marked by colonial
and Eurocentric discourses? What could it mean to decolonize them and
what is required to accomplish this?

We welcome contributions from various disciplines in the humanities
and are interested in, among other things:

- Historical accounts of the acquisition of natural history objects
  or the building up of collections or gardens that offer insight into
  the coloniality of such practices;
- Philosophical, historical and epistemological questions about the
  coloniality of botanical knowledge claims, and of botany as a
  scientific discipline; or the relationship between the acquisition
  of knowledge of ‘life’ and land on the one hand and the acquisition
  of power over life and land on the other (‘biopower’) etc.;
- Legal perspectives on historical injustice and restitution;
- Normative reflections on the call for decolonization of natural
  history collections;
- (Reflections on) examples of decolonization in natural history
  museums (e.g. artistic interventions). 

About Locus-Tijdschrift voor Cultuurwetenschappen: Locus publishes
general articles on the humanities, as well as special issues on
current debates. The previous special issue was on the topic of

Send your abstract (max. 200 words) to lo...@ou.nl by May 30, 2021.


Locus-Tijdschrift voor Cultuurwetenschappen
Editorial Board
Email: lo...@ou.nl
Web: https://locus.ou.nl/locus-redactioneel/inhoudsopgave/


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