
Call for Papers

Theme: Identities and Ideologies
Type: PSA SG Politics & History Virtual Conference
Institution: Politics and History Specialist Group and Conservatism
Studies Group, Political Studies Association (PSA)
Location: Online
Date: 3.–4.6.2021
Deadline: 21.5.2021


The third virtual conference of the PSA Politics & History specialist
group will be on the topic of 'Identities and Ideologies',
co-organised with the PSA Conservatism Studies Group.

We are looking for papers from any discipline which examine the
relationship between ideologies, identities, and social and political
behaviour. We have no preferred ontological or methodological
perspective and welcome papers regardless of the discipline

This is a highly inclusive event, and we especially encourage
submissions from groups typically under-represented in academia, as
well as early-career researchers. As the event is virtual, there will
also be no conference fee.

To submit a paper, please send a paper title, an abstract (no more
than 250 words), your affiliation and a contact email address to
David Jeffery:

Deadline is Friday 21st May.


David Jeffery, Convenor
Politics and History Specialist Group, Political Studies Association
University of Liverpool
Email: djeff...@liverpool.ac.uk


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