
Call for Publications

Theme: Teaching Philosophy as a Way of Life
Publication: AAPT Studies in Pedagogy
Date: Vol. 7 (2021)
Deadline: 1.11.2021


American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy is a
peer-reviewed annual journal dedicated to publishing thematically
focused volumes of original works on teaching and learning in
philosophy. The thematic volumes include a range of contributions,
from practical advice to theoretical discussions. Contributions are
welcomed from anyone teaching philosophy, including high school
teachers, graduate students, new faculty, and tenured professors.

The AAPT Studies in Pedagogy is soliciting original papers for
consideration in our upcoming volume on Teaching Philosophy as a Way
of Life broadly construed.

Over the last decade or so, the way-of-life conception of philosophy
has evoked an exciting and growing interest for reviving an ancient
idea of philosophy as a guide to a good life. Though rooted in the
work of Pierre Hadot, the aim of this volume reaches far beyond Hadot
scholarship. Those who center the way-of-life approach value
philosophy as a practice that can guard against the
instrumentalization and economization of our day-to-day lives.
Philosophy shapes how we attend to and engage our inner and outer
worlds, while promoting individual and collective intentionality,
reflection, and enlarged thoughtfulness.

We anticipate the final articles will run between 4000-9000 words,
depending on the topic. Submissions should be prepared for anonymous
review. While not required for review of paper submissions, final
papers will need to follow Chicago Manual of Style 17th ed.
guidelines. In matters where CMoS allows for variable formatting we
have a house style that is followed.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

- Defining the nature of teaching Philosophy in the way of life
  [PWOL] approach
- PWOL as pedagogy and practice, as distinguished from PWOL as
  content and scholarship
- Critical evaluation of the value of PWOL pedagogy
- Expanding disciplinary definitions of Philosophical “Activity” and
  Philosophical “Text”
- The distinctness of high-impact-practices (experiential learning,
  student-led inquiry, etc.) within PWOL pedagogy
- Design principles and innovative PWOL assignments, activities, and
- Balancing ethical theory and applied topics in courses
- PWOL and non-western, non-traditional, indigenous, and other
  marginalize voices and traditions
- Assessment or evaluation of PWOL Learning
- The faculty member as PWOL practitioner: self-reflectiveness,
  goals-setting, and evaluation  

Paper Submission Deadline: November 1, 2021

Jane Drexler (Salt Lake Community College)
Ryan Johnson (Elon University)

To submit an essay, go to:

Direct inquiries about this call or volume 7 to:
jane.drex...@slcc.edu or ryan.john...@elon.edu

Direct inquiries about AAPT Studies in Pedagogy to:

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