
Call for Papers

Theme: Political Ecology
Subtitle: North, South, and Beyond
Type: 4th Biennial Conference (POLLEN 2022)
Institution: Department of Geography and the Centre for Civil
Society, University of KwaZulu-Natal
   Political Ecology Network (POLLEN)
Location: Online
Date: 28.6.–1.7.2022
Deadline: 31.1.2022


The Political Ecology Network (POLLEN) organising committee for
POLLEN 2022 has made the decision to shift the conference to a
virtual format. The Pollen conference will be a fully virtual,
interactive event and while we can’t replicate the in-person
experience, we can maximise the virtues of technology to ensure we
can still gather together in a virtual space to continue to share
insights and grow the network. We will be adapting the programme to
suit the virtual format and will include a variety of opportunities
for interaction – among attendees and between attendees and speakers.
The conference will also be extended from a three to a 4-day event,
running from the 28 June – 1 July 2022.

Conference Theme

The contested notions of the Global North and South, comparative
political ecology, and the production of political-ecological
knowledge are proposed central themes for the 4th Biennial POLLEN
conference. This is the first time the conference will be held
outside of Europe, and we aim to use the occasion to think with and
through the geographies of political ecology research, as well as to
revisit the perennial focus of the network on political-ecological
change in diverse contexts. The conference offers an opportunity to
not only expand the POLLEN network and (re)visit political ecology’s
own problematics, but to engage with and challenge received wisdom
and persistent dichotomies and categories (spatial, social,
ecological, political, economic, etc.) more generally, aiming to
critically engage, and where necessary disrupt, our continued
reliance on them.

‘First world’ and ‘third world’ political ecologies garnered initial
exploration in the early 2000s (McCarthy 2002, 2005; Castree 2007;
Robbins 2002; Shillington 2011; and Bryant 2015), in part following
Said’s insights that imaginative geographies are produced by
discourses, historical-geographical practices, and disciplinary
institutions. These engagements in political ecology opened up
questions about the relationships between spatiality and regions, and
the ways we frame and interpret environmental change and conflict,
but also the ways we deploy contested concepts of nature, the `here’,
home, and ‘the other’ (Wainwright, 2005). 

One contention is that the terms Global South and Global North can be
dialectically and productively employed to capture a
‘deterritorialised geography’ of spaces and peoples negatively
impacted by contemporary capitalist globalisation, and solidarities
against it, regardless of their geographical location (Mahler, 2017).
However, the terms can be dichotomising and reifying, and, given the
contemporary pace, scale, and unevenness of global economic and
ecological crisis, there is a clear need to think through and beyond
‘north and south’.

As in past POLLEN conferences, we will structure the conference to
encourage critical reflection around the entanglements and encounters
of political ecology with a variety of theories, approaches, and
philosophies, including but not limited to post-colonial,
post-structuralist, eco-Marxist, anarchist, feminist, indigenous,
degrowth, queer, and racial and environmental justice scholarship. We
also invite sessions engaging conference themes with recent debates
in political ecology and beyond: pertaining to multi-species
entanglements, biodiversity crisis, extinction, climate,
racialisation, (de)coloniality, biopolitics, green governmentality,
the production and neoliberalisation of nature, uneven and unequal
geographical exchange, and the envisioning of alternative
sustainabilities for pursuing human and non-human well-being. In
particular, the themes of de-coloniality and post-coloniality are
fitting in the context of the recent ‘Fees Must Fall’ student-led
movement for free, decolonised education which swept through South
African tertiary institutions. We aim to foster discussion around
solidarities within and across the world’s multiple Souths and
between the human and nonhuman, as well as scholarship and conceptual
engagement which interrogates and cuts across conceptualisation of
the north-south, nature and society, natural and artificial,
authentic and inauthentic, expert and indigenous knowledges, and
bodies and ecologies, as well as other axes of race, ethnicity,
sexuality, kinship, age, caste, and identity. As in previous
meetings, POLLEN 2022 will combine the objectives of a traditional
meeting with less structured, more participatory sessions, and a
creative and artistic component.

To these ends, this call encourages proposals for themed sessions in
a variety of both conventional and novel formats, aspiring to bring
together perspectives and ways of sharing from across disciplines and
geographic traditions, and welcoming contributions from within and
outside the academy.


Paper Session
A standard conference session with a series of papers/presentations
followed by discussion. “Lightning Talks” and “Storytelling” fit
within this format.

Panel Session
A panel of contributors discussing a particular topic. Sessions with
civil society actors fit within this format.

Indaba Session
A general discussion of a topic, issue, or proposal. This format
includes a facilitator and perhaps an initial introductory
presentation, whereafter participants debate and discuss in an open
format. This format lends itself to roundtable, open discussion, and
networking activities.

Exhibition Session
A session format to display and discuss artworks/films/performance
pieces with a political ecological focus. Sessions with a broader
art/culture focus fit within this format and session organisers are
encouraged to allocate time for discussion around the pieces.

Poster Session
On-demand sessions for posters (and attached audio).

Workshop Session
This format (double session/3 hours) is available if an organiser
would like to run their own session independently (‘off platform’) in
their own virtual or in-person venue. The Organising Committee will
vet proposed Workshop Sessions for relevance, and if accepted will
advertise them in the conference programme, but authority and
responsibility is given to organisers to run Workshop Sessions

Key dates

Proposal submission deadline:
31 January 2022

Notification of accepted proposals:
February 2022

For further details please visit the conference website at:


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