
Call for Papers

Theme: Identity and Normativity
Type: Interdisciplinary Lecture and Seminar Series
Institution: Aarhus University
Location: Aarhus (Denmark)
Date: March–May 2022
Deadline: 1.2.2022


The lecture series

From March to May 2022, the Department of Political Science at Aarhus
University will host an interdisciplinary lecture series on identity
and normativity. This series is a part of the research project“A
Sense of Belonging” led by Associate Professor Marion Godman and
funded by a Sapere Aude Research leader grant (Independent Research
Fund Denmark).

There will be six guest speakers. Each speaker will give a public
lecture and then partake in a workshop the following day. Normally,
the public lectures will occur on Monday evening and the workshops on
the following Tuesday. We invite scholars interested in participating
in the workshop to submit an abstract by the 1st of February 2022 or
let us know that you would like to attend (details below).

The project

Members of certain groups are often granted special rights. Members
of a gender may be therecipients of affirmative action, members of
indigenous groups can be entitled to special language and land
rights, and membership in certain nationalities can count as grounds
to be prioritized – or demoted – in immigration. But only certain
types of membership seem to have such a moral standing. Why? For
further details about the project, please consult our page at:

Our speakers

Public lectures will be from 17h to 19h15, building 1342 room 455.

March 14-15
Tariq Modood, University of Bristol
Public lecture: Multiculturalism without Privileging Liberalism

March 21-22
Chaim Gans, Tel Aviv University
Public lecture: Liberationist vs. Proprietary Nationalism

March 28-29
Leonie Huddy, Stony Brook University
Public lecture: The Political Psychology of National Attachments

April 20-21 (exceptionally on Wed.-Thursday)
Azar Gat, Tel Aviv University
Public lecture: Is nationalism recent, invented and superficial?

May 9-10
Alan Patten, Princeton University
Public lecture: Religious Liberty and Equal Treatment

May 23-24
Ron Mallon, Washington University in St. Louis
Public lecture: Moral Dimensions of Accumulation Mechanisms


We encourage those interested to register their attendance. Those who
register up to a week ahead of the public lecture will be entitled to
a glass of wine after the talk. To register please consult our page

Call for abstracts

For each workshop, there will be two slots available to present
papers. When applying please state which workshop interests you. The
abstract must meet the following criteria:

- 700 words(excluding references) 
- Specify for whichworkshop it is intended 
- Deadline 1st of February at 00.00 at:

We will get back to you as soon as possible, particularly for those
presenting in the first two weeks. Complete papers need to be sent to
the organizers ten days before the workshop so they can be
circulated. Papers should be 5000 words in length, excluding notes
and references. While we will privilege early career researchers
(PhDs, Post Docs and Assistant Professors), we will acceptabstracts
from scholars at any career stage. 

Funding and travel

While both events are open to scholars from all over, funding for
travel will be reserved for those travelling withinthe Nordic
countries. The precise amount of funding is to be determined.

Any questions can be directed to:

Marion Godman, Associate Professor
Renaud-Philippe Garner, Postdoctoral Fellow
Julie Ellerup Basbøll, Student Assistant
Department of Political Science
Aarhus University
Email: identityandnormativ...@gmail.com


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