
Call for Papers

Theme: Religion and Immigration
Type: Interdisciplinary Workshop
Institution: Bar-Ilan University
   Duke University
   International Network for Interreligious Research and Education
Location: Ramat Gan (Israel) – Online
Date: 7.–9.6.2022
Deadline: 22.2.2022


This interdisciplinary workshop is intended to explore the role of
religion in the social and cultural integration of immigrants.

In the aftermath of the refugee crisis that shook European societies
in the last decade and the divisive debate on migration to the United
States, the prospect of cultural and religious conflict has increased
and extremist politics now threaten to undermine democratic cultures
and processes. Yet, religious communities also extend hospitality to
immigrants and often lead the way in cultural and civic integration.
Migrant religious leaders provide their communities with a sense of
continuity of tradition, and local religious activists provide
bridges to the new societies. The multifaceted roles religion plays
in immigration are at the center of this conference.

Immigration has radically reshaped the global religious landscape
throughout history. As religions enter new and unfamiliar
territories, new religious, linguistic and cultural bridges form, and
questions of religious change, conversion and secularization become
acute. Theologies are transformed. Immigrants retain religious
leadership or develop a new one, and both can enhance or disrupt
integration. Religions often provide immigrants with the major
channel for cautious adoption of local habitus, norms and ideas and
negotiation of religious and cultural ideas into the hosting culture.
They are a medium for major cultural encounters.

We hope to explore the role of religion in immigration from a
post-secular perspective, that is, with the presumption that
religions are key social players even in Western “secular” societies
and that they should be explored both institutionally and as diverse

Our preferred format is a workshop, but participants may choose their
mode of delivery (including PowerPoint). If you choose the workshop
format, please note that full papers will be expected one month
before the conference and presentations will be no longer than 15

The conference is multidisciplinary and interreligious. Among the

- Religious leaders as sources/purveyors of continuity.
- Theologians as cultural bridge-builders
- Religious activists as socializing agents 
- Religion’s impact on integration: case-studies
- Religious activism, religious institutions and immigration.
- Religious communities facilitating integration.
- Religious organizations and refugees
- Religious sensibilities and humanitarian ideologies
- Religious organizations, lobbying, and immigration policy making

The list is not exclusive. Feel free to add.

The workshop will follow Covid safety regulations.
Online presentation may be possible.

Send title and a short abstract (150 words) by February 22, 2022 to:

Acceptance letters will be sent out by March 7, 2022.

This conference is being cosponsored by the Israel Science
Foundation, Bar-Ilan University (School of Social Work), Duke
University (the Duke Center for Jewish Studies, Franklin Humanities
Institute, and Religions and Public Life at the Kenan Institute for
Ethics), and The Chair for Judaism and Society.


Hilda Nissimi
Department of General History
Bar Ilan University
Email: hilda.niss...@biu.ac.il
Web: https://sites.duke.edu/inire/annual-conferences/


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