
Table of Contents

Publication: Journal of World Philosophies
Date: Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022)


The summer issue of the Journal of World Philosophies can be
accessed here:


Rajesh Sampath
Derrida’s Jewish Question

Katie Howard  and Cash Kelly
Ill Will: Or, Mental Illness and Resistant Subjectivity in Ahmed and

Dennis Stromback
A Dialogue on the Good and Evil Bivalence in the Study of Ethics: On
François Flahault and Nishida Kitarō

Dean Anthony Brink
Post-Anthropocentric Implications of “World-expression” in Nishida’s

Antoine Panaïoti
Skill-in-means, Fusion Philosophy, and the Requirements of

Michael David Kaulana Ing
Ka Hulikanaka a me Ka Hoʻokūʻonoʻono: Davida Malo and Richard
Armstrong on Being Human and Living Well


Carl Mika, Carwyn Jones, W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, Ocean Ripeka
Mercier, and Helen Verran Why Give Up the Unknown? And How?

Intellectual Journeys

Talia Mae Bettcher
How I Became a Trans Philosopher

Mary Tiles
Out of the Box

Book Reviews

Hsiao-Lan Hu
A Review on Exploring the Heart Sutra

Emmanuel Ofuasia
Some Comments on Ada Agada's Philosophy of Consolation

Katarína Dženisa Rajtíková
Pyrrhonian Buddhism as a Unique Synthesis of Indian and Greek

Cheryl Suzack
Celebrating the Diachronic Storytelling Traditions within Anishinaabe
Life and Letters

In Memoriam

Stephanie Rivera Berruz, Dear Jorge
A Letter to My Mentor

Carolyn M. Jones Medine
bell hooks, Black Feminist Thought, and Black Buddhism: A Tribute

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