
Call for Papers

Theme: Inter-Asian Legalities
Type: International Workshop
Institution: National University of Singapore
Location: Singapore
Date: 12.–14.1.2023
Deadline: 31.8.2022


This workshop will consider the contemporary realities and historical
foundations that legal systems and cultures are built upon in Asia.
It responds to a conundrum that entails the reconceptualization of
Asia as a set of interconnected processes: as borders are being
crossed more easily than ever before, abetted by technological
advancements in digital infrastructure, local legal regimes and
actors continue to maintain their socio-political and territorial
resonance. We time this workshop at the moment when the globe is
bouncing back from a health pandemic and restrictions on travel has
shaken the assumptions of a globalized world. It is thus a useful
juncture to pause and reflect upon transnational legalities and
governance structures, which have been disrupted, but remain in
effect across the Asian region (see, for example, Ho, 2017; Kingsley,

The workshop contributes to social-legal studies, area studies and
urban studies by foregrounding “Inter-Asia” as a mode of
interdisciplinary work that privileges mobility, relationality and
porosity (Chua, Ken, Ho, Ho, Rigg & Yeoh, 2019). First, it highlights
how transnational legalities operating at different scales across
Asia are underpinned by a fabric of governance that weaves state and
non-state actors. Both state and non-state actors work through
different institutions and regulatory frameworks that challenge
traditional notions of jurisdiction and applicable substantive law
while illuminating existing schisms (Kingsley, 2018). Recognizing the
heterogeneous nature of governance is critical as there has been an
acceleration of infrastructures – physical, digital and social – of
multi-scalar connections over the last two decades (for a discussion
of social infrastructures, see Elyachar, 2010). The sphere and
construction of law is being redrawn, blending non-state local rules,
domestic state laws, international law, and privatised transnational
law (based on contractual relationships). By showing how such
processes are often carried out in plural legal environments, we
identify and analyze the necessary work carried out by legal
intermediaries (von Benda-Beckman, 2021). It is these legal
intermediaries that create new, and heterogeneous, fabrics of

Second, the workshop brings history to bear on the present. The
fabric of governance that has emerged today has deep historical roots
(Duara, 2010; Hussin, 2002). For sure, businesses – engaged in both
legal and illegal activities – are being transformed and the
challenges from climate change to pandemics require new kinds of
legal response and modes of practice. However, to interpret
contemporary Asian circumstances we need to recognise our legal
realities are built on historical foundations and long-standing
ideational, and systemic, foundations (Laffan, 2011; Yahaya, 2020).
Acknowledging these historical foundations reorient the frames of
reference that are often taken for granted (such as Western models of
liberal jurisprudence) as well as bring to surface the geographies of
development that appear to have faded away in the present. For
example, maritime trade networks from the Arabian Gulf through the
Bay of Bengal to the great ports of Southeast Asia and beyond, have
created a sea of documented, and relational, legal connections and
these are replicated on the maritime and inland trade routes today
(Bishara, 2017). Colonial law and juridical principles continue to
haunt the contemporary, revealing the uneven trajectories and
strategic use of law in different Asian polities.

Finally, the workshop recognises that the infrastructures of legal
connectivity end up in urban centres that connect and disconnect
different parts of the world. As scholars of global cities
(Appadurai, 1990; Sassen, 2001) have shown, the international
division of labour and the concentration of global corporate power
has produced urban centres where the actual work of globalization is
done. The fabric of governance that involve state and non-state
actors as described above find specific expression in these centres –
headquarters of international organizations and law firms, meeting
grounds for legal mediation and networking, and “liveable” cities for
the social reproduction of global elites. Yet, at the same time,
global cities are not totally disembedded from local jurisdictions,
which have strong territorial fixity and whose specific laws may or
may not conform with what these experts prescribe for others.

It is into this porous socio-political and governance environment
that we have today’s grand challenges, whether they be environmental,
health or mercantile. Asia’s legal and governance interconnections
are, therefore, pragmatic and unavoidable. They are at the heart of
Inter-Asian connections and legalities.

Consequently, this workshop will consider four questions:

- How should we define Inter-Asian legalities? What activities, ideas
  and histories give meaning to this concept?
- What state and non-state actors, institutions and rules create the
  strands of the fabric of governance weaving its way across Asia?
- How do our disciplinary orientations colour the way we interpret
  the modes of connectivity and the actors who participate in
  Inter-Asian legalities?
- In an interconnected Asia, how does the built environment, spatial
  factors and geographic parameters effect law, governance and social

Submission of proposals

To participate, please send your paper proposal, which should include
a title, an abstract (200 words maximum) and a brief personal
biography of 100 words, by 31 August 2022, to:

Successful applicants will be notified by mid-September 2022.

Panel presenters will be required to submit drafts of papers (6,000)
words by 12 December 2022. These drafts will be circulated to fellow
panellists and discussants in advance. Drafts need not be fully
polished. Indeed, we expect that presenters will be open to feedback
from fellow participants.

Each participant will be assigned the role of discussant for another
participant’s paper. During the 2.5 day workshop, authors,
discussants, and participants will meet in-person and on Zoom.

Workshop convenors

Maitrii Aung-Thwin
Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore

Lee Kah-Wee
Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore

Jeremy J. Kingsley
Swinburne Law School, Swinburne University of Technology


Valerie Yeo
Asia Research Institute
National University of Singapore
Email: valerie....@nus.edu.sg
Web: https://ari.nus.edu.sg/events/interasian-legalities/


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