
Call for Papers

Theme: Pacifism and Nonviolence
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Journal of Pacifism and Nonviolence (JPN)
   Institute of Advanced Studies, Loughborough University
Location: Online
Date: 19.–21.4.2023
Deadline: 16.11.2022


Research on pacifism and nonviolence has been buoyant since the turn
of the twenty-first century. It also raises numerous further
questions for further research. The Journal of Pacifism and
Nonviolence (JPN) intends to nurture and coordinate such research, as
indicated by its multidisciplinary remit:

To help strengthen and inspire potential publications covered by that
remit, and building on the successful workshop organised online in
April 2022 at the European Consortium of Political Research’s Joint
Sessions of Workshops, the JPN team are organising a free online
workshop in April 2023 emulating the same highly rewarding model.

That is, every paper will be assigned a full hour for (brief)
presentation and (extensive and constructive) discussion; all papers
must be submitted at least two weeks in advance; and all participants
are expected to read all papers and participate in the entirety of
the workshop. This format has a track record of being widely
appreciated by researchers precisely for its productive and
community-strengthening qualities.

The workshop will be held on 19, 20 and 21 April 2023. It will be
entirely online (using Zoom), hosted by Loughborough University’s
Institute of Advanced Studies (building on a successful series of 6
seminars in 2022). There will be no registration fee.

The intention is that papers presented at the workshop would
eventually be submitted for potential publication in JPN. The main
criteria for participation at the workshop are rigour, originality,
and broad fit within JPN’s indicative research remit. It might be
worth noting that JPN is committed to methodological plurality and to
multidisciplinary. Also, the editorial team is particularly keen to
consider papers on feminism/gender and on/from the Global South.

The deadline for abstracts is 16 November 2022. Notifications of
acceptance will be sent by 30 November 2022. The deadline for
accepted papers to be submitted to the workshop organisers for
distribution across participants will be 29 March 2023.

Abstracts of up to 150 words along with author information (names and
affiliation) should be sent to the Editorial Team at:

Any questions should be sent to that address too.

Please feel free to forward this call to any researchers and networks
that might be interested.

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