
Call for Papers

Theme: Many Worlds of AI
Subtitle: Intercultural Approaches to the Ethics of Artificial
Type: International Conference
Institution: Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (LCFI),
University of Cambridge
   Centre for Science and Thought (CST), University of Bonn
Location: Cambridge (United Kingdom) – Online
Date: 26.–28.4.2023
Deadline: 31.12.2022


Conference theme overview

The aim of this conference is to interrogate how an intercultural
approach to ethics can inform the processes of conceiving, designing,
and regulating artificial intelligence (AI).

Many guidelines and policy frameworks on responsible AI foreground
values such as transparency, fairness, and justice, giving an
appearance of consensus. However, this apparent consensus hides wide
disagreements about the meanings of these concepts and may be
omitting values that are central to cultures that have been less
involved in developing these frameworks. For this reason, scholars
and policymakers have increasingly started to voice the need to
acknowledge these disagreements, foreground the plurality of visions
for technological futures, and centre previously overlooked visions –
as the necessary first steps in establishing shared ethical and
regulatory frameworks for responsible AI.

While planetary-scale challenges demand international cooperation in
search of new solutions – including those that rely on AI – to
address the crises ahead of us, feminist, Indigenous, and decolonial
scholars, among others, have pointed to potential problems arising
from the techno-solutionism and techno- optimism implied by the
universalising ‘AI for Good’ paradigm. They recognise that some
groups of humans have been multiply burdened under the current,
dominant system of technology production, and that this system – if
unchanged – is unlikely to bring about positive transformation. To
ensure that new technologies are developed and deployed responsibly,
we must, therefore, acknowledge and draw on ontological,
epistemological and axiological differences, in ways that do not
privilege a particular worldview. Yet in doing so, we must also work
to avoid essentialising other nations or peoples, erasing extractive
colonial histories, diversity washing, and cultural appropriation.

By foregrounding the many worlds of AI, we aim to create a space for
dialogue between different worldviews without reifying the notion of
discrete and unchanging cultural approaches to AI. Through
centralising terms like ‘diaspora’, we aim to examine the complex
(and often violent) histories of cultural exchange and the global
movement of people and ideas which rarely take centre stage in
conversations on intercultural AI ethics.

The question central to Many Worlds of AI is therefore: How can we
acknowledge these complexities to facilitate intercultural dialogue
in the field of AI ethics, and better respond to the opportunities
and challenges posed by AI?

Many Worlds of AI is the inaugural conference in a series of biennial
events organised as part of the ‘Desirable Digitalisation: Rethinking
AI for Just and Sustainable Futures’ research programme. The
‘Desirable Digitalisation’ programme is a collaboration between the
Universities of Cambridge and Bonn funded by Stiftung Mercator. The
primary aim of the programme is to explore how to design AI and other
digital technologies in a responsible way, prioritising the questions
of social justice and environmental sustainability.

Call for Papers

We are interested in a wide variety of approaches to the ethics of AI
that interrogate 1) how intercultural dialogue and conflict is
reflected in existing AI regulatory frameworks (the ‘Intercultural
AI’ theme); 2) how the use and development of AI can build on local
and situated knowledges and imaginaries (the ‘Scale(ability) of AI’
theme); 3) the perspectives of diasporic and dislocated communities
on ‘AI ethics’ and regulation (the ‘AI across borders’ theme).

While we encourage applicants to suggest papers that speak to one or
more of these themes, we will consider proposals that take on the
idea of intercultural ethics of AI from other angles. We accept
proposals for traditional academic presentations, as well as
project/product demonstrations and artistic interventions. An
individual contribution should be 15 minutes long; we also accept
proposals for group presentations, panels, or workshops. We are
looking for contributions from established academics, early- career
researchers, technologists, policy specialists, civil society
organisations, as well as communicators and artists.


1) Intercultural AI: Exchange, dialogue and conflict

- How do different ethical traditions inform technology development
  and regulation?
- How can we meaningfully speak to differences in approaches to
  ethical AI among different groups?
- How can different groups learn from one another without risking
  conceptual appropriation and diversity-washing?
- How can we acknowledge ideological conflicts in efforts at
  regulating AI at the international level?

2) Scale(ability) of AI: From the local/situated to the

- How can intercultural approaches to AI ethics facilitate a
  conversation on shared, planetary-scale concerns and solutions in a
  critical way?
- How can we build AI systems that help us respond to the challenges
  ahead of us that are planetary in scale, while recognizing that our
  knowledge is always partial and situated?
- How can we think about AI as a tool for addressing planetary-scale
  concerns while remaining wary of ‘universalising’, ‘totalising’
- How does the planetary impact of AI both intersect with and
  reproduce racial, colonial, and capitalist histories of resource
  extraction? How do we plan to grapple with the waste products
  produced by AI development and deployment, and how can intercultural
  approaches to pollution and e-waste reinvigorate our understanding
  of the planetary costs of AI?

3) AI across borders: rethinking intercultural AI ethics through

- What does a diasporic approach to AI and AI ethics look like? How
  does the concept of diaspora complicate current approaches to
  intercultural AI ethics?
- How can we rethink the relationship between race and AI through the
  lens of diaspora?
- How does AI affect diasporic identities and experiences?
- How do flows of people, data and technologies intersect with one
- How does diasporic thinking about AI shape and inflect the issue of
  AI and climate justice?
- How do colonial histories of racial capitalism, empire and mass
  displacement shape
- contemporary AI and data collection processes?
- What kinds of solidarities can be built between and among diasporic
  people when resisting
- technological harms?

Conference format

The conference will be a hybrid event, with a strong online
dimension. We will try to accommodate different presenters’ needs,
bearing in mind they might be joining us online from different time
zones. The conference will include social events for those joining in
person in Cambridge and remotely. Accepted speakers who decide to
participate in person will be considered for travel and accommodation

Submission Guidelines

Please upload a 300 word abstract to the Many Worlds of AI submission
form, available here:

Abstracts must be submitted by 31 December 2022.
Please email any questions to:

We will notify you regarding the status of your submission by 31
January 2023.

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