
InvestorMap.com Newsletter   -   9/7/1999

Brought to you by:

http://investormap.com  THE guide to investing on the web!


In this edition:

    + Introduction
    + Our Readers Write...
    + Investing News
    + Online Investing
    + Tricks of the Trade
    + Feedback
    + Subscribe/Unsubscribe Instructions

    * * Getting motivated * *

*I do not try to dance better than anyone else.  I only try to dance
better than myself.*

                                    Mikhail Baryshnikov, Dancer


-- Introduction --

We have been trying to decide on a name for this publication besides
*InvestorMap.com Newsletter.*  Nothing has struck us as brilliant yet,
so we thought we'd throw the idea out to you.  If your suggestion is
chosen, you'll get a 1 year subscription (a $99.00 value!) to Walker
MarketEdge, a market timing newsletter published by our sister site
Lowrisk.com http://www.lowrisk.com.

Please send your suggestions to us at: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This issue has a variety of tools for you to use in making wise
investment decisions.  There's also a lot of *news* on what's
happening in the investment world.

In our last issue we mentioned a great book on Internet marketing
and are pleased many of you agreed with us.  In case you missed that
issue, you'll want to check out *Make Your Site Sell* (MYSS) at
http://guide.sitesell.com. There are so many great ideas in this book
for improving your web site and marketing efforts. And they're really
easy to implement.  If you haven't done so already, you can download
100 pages of the book for free at: http://guide.sitesell.com


-- Our Readers Write. . . --

*Can you suggest a web site to get information on Offshore Mutual

We did some research and came up with a few sites related to offshore
funds.  As always, it is wise to do your homework before making any
investment decision.  For those of you who don't know, you can not be
a United States resident and invest in offshore funds.

Learn what offshore mutual funds are, who is eligible and what the
benefits are.

This company offers offshore investment planning and management

Here you'll find companies that handle different families of offshore

 From this site you can order The Standard & Poor's Micropal Guide to
Offshore Investment Funds.  It's pricey, but may be a good resource
for the serious offshore investor.


-- Investing News --

The Pacific Exchange (PCX) recently announced it will begin trading
four new options this week: BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc; CIDCO
Incorporated; MicroStrategy Incorporated; and Silicon Storage Tech-
nology, Inc.  The PCX is the third most active stock exchange in the
country, the third largest stock options exchange in the world, and
the only stock market in the world with trading floors in two cities
-- San Francisco and Los Angeles.

You won't be buying shares of the NYSE this fall as originally
announced.  A recent meeting of the board of directors of the
exchange said it will wait until at least next year so that more
research can be done and a strategic business plan can be put into

By the end of the month clients of Salomon Smith Barney will be able
to take advantage of extended-hours trading.  They are the first full-
service brokerage firm to offer this service.

Can traditional banks compete with online banking?  As Citibank quietly
unveils Citi f/i, an online only bank with no crossover to web-based
banking, analysts discuss what direction banking is going.

Keeping up with the onslaught on online banks is quite a job for
regulators.  Are they equipped and able to handle this task?

For all the latest news, go to:

----------- A Message From Our Sponsor ------------

35 Internet Stocks Which May Change the World and Make Fortunes

The Wall Street Digest names 35 Internet stocks that will
change the world and make investors a fortune. These companies
increased sales by 50% and profits by 100% in Q2 1999. Get
the winners with your FREE trial to The Wall Street Digest:



-- Online Investing --

Looking for an online broker isn't always easy.  By answering a few
questions, this tool will provide you with a list of online brokerage
firms that meet your specific needs.

Our online brokers page will also direct you to different resources.

This is a great site for you to learn about online investing, conduct
research and get quotes.

Find out what's happening with the latest Internet IPO's at:

Charles Schwab's new Velocity personal trading system will be sent
to 100,000 clients by the end of the year.  *The software speeds the
transfer of quote and trade information between the investor and
Schwab's online trading systems. Velocity allows a client to trade
on multiple accounts without separate log-ins. Clients also can submit
multiple orders from a single screen.*

Individual investors recently took part in the longest trading day in
Wall Street's history.   The launch of the MarketXT after-hours trading
system enabled trading on the Internet until 8pm.

Beginning October 1st, you'll be able to open and fund new accounts
online with INVESCO Funds Group.  INVESCO is the first mutual fund
company to allow investors to sign up for a fund and have money taken
directly from their bank account without having to print, handle or
mail any paperwork.

This online mutual funds page provides you with links to nearly 200 
different fund families.


-- Tricks of the Trade --

You know doing your *homework* is a very important part of investing,
but how do you translate all that jargon into something useful?  This
article explains how to decipher annual reports to make the most out
of your investing decisions.

Just because what you thought was a great investment hasn't been
doing so well lately doesn't necessarily mean it's time to sell.

Everything and anything you need to know about an individual stock
can be found at this site.  From real time stock quotes to a database
of fundamental and historical stock information.

You'll find even more information from these links related to stocks
and investing in the stock market.

This site is a gold mine for information on the biosciences sector.
They tout 25,000 hyperlinks that take you to stock information,
reports, websites, message boards, the patent office and more.

Now that you know everything you need to know about the biotech sector,
take a look at these tips from Worth on what to look for when investing
in biotechnology stocks.


-- Feedback --

Please send any ideas and suggestions to:

Good Investing,

Diane Walker

To subscribe: send mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word
"subscribe" in the body of the message.

To unsubscribe: send mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word
"unsubscribe" in the body of the message.

Disclaimer: The financial markets are risky. Investing is risky. The
foregoing has been prepared solely for informational purposes and is
not a solicitation, or an offer to buy or sell any security.

The links provided in this newsletter were checked to verify validity
at the time of publication.  Since sites occasionally change addresses,
some links may later prove to be inaccurate.  We apologize for any
inconvenience should you not be able to open any of the links.

Published by InvestorMap.com. Copyright C 1999 InvestorMap.com. All
rights reserved.

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