
InvestorMap.com Newsletter   -   10/19/1999

Brought to you by:

http://investormap.com  THE guide to investing on the web!


In this edition:

    + Introduction
    + Investing News
    + Online Investing
    + Tricks of the Trade
    + Y2K
    + Feedback
    + Subscribe/Unsubscribe Instructions

    * * Getting motivated * *

Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.

E. Joseph Cossman

-- Introduction --

We are excited to tell you about a great addition to our site.
We have partnered with a new company to provide you with the best
investment newsletters available on the Internet.  They have over
105 to choose from.  Be sure you check it out at:

With Y2K getting closer and closer, just 73 days away, we thought
you'd be interested in some of the latest information out there.  In
this issue we have a special section dedicated to just that. And our
popular *tricks of the trade* section is also back this week.

We're still deciding on a newsletter name.  It's been narrowed down
to eight the final decision  hasn't been made yet. Of course we'll
keep you posted on what we come up with.


-- Investing News --

The SEC has vowed to crack down on companies that leak information to
Wall Street analysts before making the same facts known to the public.

The second-largest ISP in India hopes to *strike gold* with its IPO
on Nasdaq this week.

Just because it's on sale doesn't necessarily mean it's a good buy.
The same may be true for so-called bargain stocks.

ZDNet's BrandIQ '99 study evaluates eight credit card brands.  You may
be surprised at what card respondents *preferred*.

For investing news around the clock, go to:


----------- A Message From Our Sponsor ------------

Get FREE "Buy Signals" in real time before the market close!

Move from 100% cash to stock funds when the risk of loss is low
and the probability of profit is high. And you can do it with
mutual funds that allow free and unlimited trades.

Take a look at: http://www.buysignals.com/



-- Online Investing --

Regulators are concerned that Americans may stash cash in Swiss bank
accounts that can opened over the Internet with initial deposits as
low as $5,000.

Did you know that there is one company that executes some 40% of all
online trades and controls almost one-fifth of the trading in Nasdaq/
OTC stocks?   A lot of people don't know about Knight/Trimark, but
you will after reading this article.

INVESCO Funds Group is the first mutual fund company that allows you
to open and fund new accounts online.

The figures aren't always what they appear to be on earnings reports
from Internet companies.  It appears some startups are trying to pull
the wool over our eyes with liberal accounting which often produces
an inflated operating income figure.


-- Tricks of the Trade --

The Arthur Andersen Virtual Learning Network specializes in teaching
you the fundamentals of investing, business finance and financial
planning through interactive multimedia computer-based training

For more educational links, go to:

This site claims to have the most accurate whisper numbers on the Web,
along with a free whisper newsletter.

If you aren't familiar with the term *whisper numbers,* this article
will explain them to you.

Wit Capital has put together a *white paper* on Internet investing.
It is extremely informative and broken down into three sections: An
Introduction to the Internet; Business Models of Internet Companies;
and Valuation of Internet Stocks.

If you're looking for information on international investing, then
this is a site to check out.  Their archives alone contain some four
million articles from some 3,000 publications around the world.

These links will provide you with wide variety of information on
global investing.

Here's a broker meter for you to test how fast your broker's web
site is.  It doesn't measure the speed of transactions because those
factors vary, but it does tell you how fast you can get in the door.

Learn the ins and outs of acquisitions and partnerships from someone
who has acquired 40 companies in the last six years, Cisco's CEO John

Career Day Trader.com has developed a Tradeometer to help novice day
traders gauge market conditions.  Be aware that their trading style
involves frequent, high-probability, "scalp" trades.


----------- A Message From Our Sponsor ------------

The New York Times calls *Wall Street--Financial Capital*
the *cream of the coffee table books.*

New for 1999 with over 300 color plates and history of the
exchanges and investment firms, *Wall Street--Financial Capital*
is the holiday gift that keeps giving.

Quantity discounts are available and you'll receive a free copy with
each carton purchase.

Take a look and place your order at:



--Y2K --

You'll want to take a look at this four-step process to ensure that
your home PC is Y2K-ready.

This is quite a site for global Y2K information.  They will even have
a real-time global map outlining Y2K disruptions as they happen
throughout the world.

This PBS site focuses more on individuals like you and I and what we
need to know and be prepared for when January 1st comes around.
There's a lot of great information.

The U.S. Department of Transportation has put together a site to track
U.S. and foreign travel issues and advisories.

Because they can't afford to fix the Y2K bug, Russia will use manual
control to switch important processes during the Y2K changeover.

For even more Y2K links filled with a wide variety of information,
go to:  http://investormap.com/y2k.htm

-- Feedback --

Please send any ideas and suggestions to:

Good Investing,

Diane Walker

To subscribe: send mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word
"subscribe" in the body of the message.

To unsubscribe: send mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word
"unsubscribe" in the body of the message.

Disclaimer: The financial markets are risky. Investing is risky. The
foregoing has been prepared solely for informational purposes and is
not a solicitation, or an offer to buy or sell any security.

The links provided in this newsletter were checked to verify validity
at the time of publication.  Since sites occasionally change addresses,
some links may later prove to be inaccurate.  We apologize for any
inconvenience should you not be able to open any of the links.

Published by InvestorMap.com. Copyright C 1999 InvestorMap.com. All
rights reserved.


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