On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 12:59:20PM -0400, Will Deacon wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 05:40:21PM +0100, Andreas Herrmann wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 05:20:08PM +0200, Andreas Herrmann wrote:
> > To be more specific: For SATA I'd need to specify 10 StreamIds. This
> > would
> > 
> > (1) exceed MAX_MASTER_STREAMIDS (currently it's 8)
> > 
> >    (Can easily be fixed by adapting a macro.)
> > 
> > (2) exceed number of available SMR groups to map the IDs to a context.
> > 
> >    This can be solved by caclulating an appropriate mask for the
> >    mapping (but with a non-power-of-two number of StreamIds that's
> >    already non-trivial -- for the trivial case I have some code to do
> >    this).
> > 
> > Both problems are avoided by introducing this patch -- use
> > smr_mask_bits to map all StreamIDs to the same context and be done
> > with it. (for the "single-master-SMMU" case)
> The problem is, this information *really* doesn't belong in the device tree,
> but I think computing the general case dynamically is incredibly difficult
> too (and requires *complete* topological information in the device-tree, so
> you don't accidentally pull in other devices).

So, if this kind of driver option does not belong to the device tree,
what's the preferred solution to tell the driver to use smr_mask_bits
as a mask for stream matching for a certain SMMU (that has only one
> > PS: I think (2) needs to be addressed sooner or later. We should use
> >     only as many SMR groups as really required -- ie. use masking of
> >     StreamIds if possible. If more than one StreamID is given for a
> >     master it might be possible to calculate a mask for a
> >     (power-of-two) number of adjacent StreamIds and then use only one
> >     SMR group to map these IDs to a context. (But I think that should
> >     only be done if multiple masters are attached to an SMMU.)
> I spent a few weeks looking at doing minimal SMR grouping whilst writing the
> driver and ended up convincing myself that it's an NP-complete problem (I
> tried a reduction involving Hamiltonian Cycles). Of course, if you have some
> ideas here, we can try to implement something for a constrained instance of
> the problem.
> For example, a simple solution is to xor all the IDs together and check no
> other IDs fall under the resulting mask. However, this again relies on the
> DT telling us complete topological information as well as the IDs being
> organised in a particular way.

Yes, it is an ugly problem. But assuming that the StreamIDs in many
cases have a particular organsiation it should be possible to
calculate a mask with reasonable effort. (I've attached a patch to do
this for certain cases).

I think it could be extended, such that in a case where StreamIDs 0,
... 9 are specified for a master the driver could set up

 SMR0 with mask 0x7, id 0 (mapping StreamIDs 0, ..., 7)
 SMR1 for StreamID 8
 SMR2 for StreamID 9

Thus 3 SMR groups would be used instead of 10 (as it is done with the
current implementation).


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