Am 15. Juni 2022 15:17:00 MESZ schrieb Christoph Hellwig <>:
>On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 02:15:33PM +0100, Robin Murphy wrote:
>> Put simply, if you want to call dma_map_single() on a buffer, then that
>> buffer needs to be allocated with kmalloc() (or technically alloc_pages(),
>> but then dma_map_page() would make more sense when dealing with entire
>> pages.
>Yes.  It sounds like the memory here comes from the dma coherent
>allocator, in which case the code need to use the address returned
>by that and not create another mapping.


traced it to buffer allocated as simple uint8-array [1]:

UINT_8 aucBuffer[sizeof(INIT_HIF_RX_HEADER_T) + sizeof(INIT_EVENT_CMD_RESULT)];

and then called as

nicRxWaitResponse(prAdapter,0,aucBuffer,sizeof(INIT_HIF_RX_HEADER_T) + 
sizeof(INIT_EVENT_CMD_RESULT),/* 4B + 4B */

this calls [2]:

nicRxWaitResponse(IN P_ADAPTER_T prAdapter,
                  IN UINT_8 ucPortIdx, OUT PUINT_8 pucRspBuffer, IN UINT_32 
u4MaxRespBufferLen, OUT PUINT_32 pu4Length)
HAL_PORT_RD(prAdapter,ucPortIdx == 0 ? MCR_WRDR0 : MCR_WRDR1, u4PktLen, 
pucRspBuffer, u4MaxRespBufferLen);

nicRxWaitResponse contains a do-while(true)-loop, but it looks like this is 
failing on first call (i see my debug before call of HAL_PORT_RD only once)...

do i need kmalloc before call of nicRxWaitResponse and if yes which flags are 
right here?

callstack is like this:

[  126.919569]  __dma_page_dev_to_cpu from kalDevPortRead+0x3a0/0x6b4 
[  126.928643]  kalDevPortRead [wlan_gen2] from nicRxWaitResponse+0x4c0/0x61c 
[  126.939752]  nicRxWaitResponse [wlan_gen2] from 
wlanImageSectionDownloadStatus.part.0+0xd0/0x26c [wlan_gen2]
[  126.952783]  wlanImageSectionDownloadStatus.part.0 [wlan_gen2] from 
wlanImageSectionDownload+0x168/0x36c [wlan_gen2]
[  126.966511]  wlanImageSectionDownload [wlan_gen2] from 
wlanAdapterStart+0x674/0xf94 [wlan_gen2]
[  126.978367]  wlanAdapterStart [wlan_gen2] from wlanProbe+0x318/0xbe8 
[  126.988951]  wlanProbe [wlan_gen2] from HifAhbProbe+0x54/0x88 [wlan_gen2]
[  126.998905]  HifAhbProbe [wlan_gen2] from wmt_func_wifi_on+0x4c/0x150

regards Frank

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