OK, no one yet.

I really lack time but I sure am interested ! I'd also like to make
ion's french translation, but at the moment I am stuck in a J2EE
project that bit-rots every day -_-;
I had not even been able to boot Linux since a few months (windows
forced at work/school, too lazy to finish my install at home) and did
not even test the latest ion3.

I did not really understand the fuss of showing a tutorial
(technically speaking) at first ion3 launch since I recall having
something popping up the 1st time (or was it ion2 only ?). I think
only the message which to display in this dialog needs to be thought

 How about replying to me with a list of concepts or tasks you think
the tutorial should introduce?  I'll do the writing and possibly the code,
but let's start with "what are we teaching?"

Now the concepts I'd like to see in this tutorial are pretty simple,
and the man was quite good enough.

First, let's reassure the user by saying how to get help (MOD1..F1),
how to get out (F12 menu). We want to tell him that we are going to
present defaults keybindings and that he can change them by editing
some files.
It could be nice if we can tell him dynamically which binding to use,
according even his own config (what is MOD1, where are his distrib's
files if no ~/.ion3 is found, and give him the keybindings he has
defined if he already started to play with his config.)

We need to make this intro as short and friendly as possible :
everyone MUST fully read this, and they must find every vital
information. For the rest, if he's hooked he'll read the manpage.

Then, explain how to Create-Destroy-Navigate-Modify frames,
workspaces, scratchpad.
We want to show him many shortcuts, and both keyboard and mouse ways
if possible.

At last, we just show him (or point to files or URLs) advanced stuff
such as the dock, statusbar, create your own menus and position your
windows automatically with winprops.

These were my 2 cents.

Sylvain Abelard,
Railer Rubyist. Epita MTI 2008.

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