On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 02:34:26PM +0000, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:
> On 2007-03-20, Joerg van den Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > a) `groff' is not ancient at all and still actively maintained (`groff' is
> > actually more recent than TeX). 
> The command set and syntax are from the 1950s or something, when you 
make that the 1970ies, a bit newer than C than...
> had  to to write it all on a punchcard. You can't make heads or tails of
and make that a pdp11, I think
> it just by looking at the file; you have to look at the documentation.
what file? the markupped text? I don't think that `ms' markup is harder (or 
easier) to understand than latex markup. for the macro definitions themselves:
yeah, that's sort of crazy (but probably the low level TeX stuff does not look
better). looking at the documentation as a prerequisite of generating a
sensible document: would you say that is different from latex???

> That doesn't lend to random contributors improving the documentation.
tell me: where is the difference between `-ms' and `-man' markup in terms
of your points (random contributors don't understand it, 'old', etc)?
> LaTeX, on the other hand, has commands that are understandable when
> you look at the document, even if you didn't know how to write a LaTeX
> document from scratch. Too bad LaTeX documents are hardly understandable
> by other programs, them being programs themselves.
same thing with groff (being a program), of course.
so: you know how to use latex, I know how to use groff. that seems the basic
concerning "understanding" the latex source: I will give you that latex markup
is much more verbose (which I don't like: I have to type it or make lots of 
vi shortcuts or what else) and therefore one could easier guess that


is just that, than that


(for left adjusted paragraph) does just the same in `groff -ms'. but the 10 odd
pages I sent around concering use of `ms' seem to compare rather favourably to
the length of the average latex guide...

> > I think it would'nt harm if one
> > would not loose this option without better reasons than that the tutorial
> > would simply not pop up via `man tutorial'.
> I still think that using such arcane formats as *roff is pointless, 
> unless you're writing a man page.
I still think you are wrong but will leave it at that. but hey, guys, why not,
at least put this in a file `tutorial.txt`:

ion3 tutorial
is going  here
can be found here in a nice table:
box center tab(;);
l l.
F1;access manpages
customizing your statusbar
can be tough.
.NH 2
statusbar: the basic layout
is here
.NH 2
statusbar: extensions
are here
things to memorize to 'read' the above: 

`.\"' -- is the admittedly strange start_of_comment .
`.TL' -- title
`.AU' -- author
`.AI' -- author's institution
`.NH' -- starts new numbered section header (trailing number is section level) 
`.LP' -- starts new leftjustified paragraph, 
`.TS/.TE' --  brackets tables ('table start', 'table end') 

now issue :

1. `groff -t -ms tutorial.txt > tutorial.ps; gv tutorial.ps'
2. `groff -t -ms -TX100 tutorial.txt'
3. `nroff -t -ms tutorial.txt'

and look (and compare with what you need to achieve approx. the same with 
`-man' or
`latex' (where latex is not an option if one wants to maintain formatting into
the terminal)).

my vote:
best solution: use `ms'
second best solution: use `man'


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