On Thu, Feb 7, 2008 at 9:40 AM, Tuomo Valkonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2002-02-07 - Last release of Ion1 (it never had ds/rc/stable)
>  2004-02-07 - First "stable" release of Ion2
>  2008-02-07 - First "stable" release of Ion3
>  2016-02-07 - ?
I can't fully blame myself for missing this post in the first place
(being in a hospital and not owning a bluetooth-enabled cellphone),
but it's congratulations nevertheless!
Despite of the disagreements I might have posted against you, I still
think I owe you some beer (not having a chance to meet in person back
a while ago when I used to live in Finland). :)

>  (Well, I doubt there's a semi-usable non-fascist platform left
>  by then. So much does the present state of FOSS and the course
>  it is taking suck. Although, with enough manpower, it might be
>  possible to write a full OS in eight years. So who's signing up?-)
I'm kinda on it for a while now, although not nearly as ready for
anything yet. Still, this post gives me sort of an ass kick, therefore
I'd like to continue this conversation more subject-wise, like
collecting ideas and opinions and with a higher seriousness than that
of "hey, I'm writing a new operating system, it'll be mostly like
linux, except for I'm the author" approach that I can possibly call
for. Thanks for bringing this up.

wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure

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