On Fri, 10 Apr 2009, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:

On 2009-04-10, Klaus Umbach <treibholz-...@sozial-inkompetent.de> wrote:
Just use VirtualBox in standard-fullscreen-mode on a separate Workspace.
That's the most acceptable pain.

No, that's Ion-in-cygwin-X-on-windows, after changing Mod1+Tab
to Mod1+Q in Ion. Integrates much better than a fully
keyboard-grabbing VM... albeit not perfectly :(.

What works best for me is to run VirtualBox's VRDP server, and use
rdesktop from Linux to interact with your VM, instead of using
VirtualBox's standard fullscreen mode. The biggest advantage of this (in
addition to things being snappier) is that 'rdesktop -K' will not do any
keyboard grabbing:

-K     Do not override window manager key bindings.  By default rdesktop
       attempts to grab all keyboard input when it is in focus. [1]

[1] rdesktop man page.

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