Hello my dear, suffering comrades,

first of all: I found a recent documentation as PDF in my browser-cache:

Since I am using ion3 (and before...) I am looking for a better
windowmanager, but I couldn't find anything that is even close to being at
least as good as ion3.

I personally would like to have something like awesome is to wmii/dwm for

Unfortunatelly I can't call myself a programmer (I do speak a little
Python, but not enough to even know where to start to write a
windowmanager). But I would happily contribute to such a project with
webspace, git/subversion, wiki, mail and other infrastructure, if one
doesn't want to use something like sourceforge or github.

name suggestion: Positron (with a positive attitude! Happy, Happy - Joy,

I would also like to assemble a whole desktop-environment in that style
(PDE) (optionally). I personally don't use ion3 because it is lightweight
but because it is usable (after adding mod_xinerama).


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