Dear Developers,

I am working on provisioning client program to implement some extra
functions. I made few changes inside the program. I am getting the below
error when I initialize discovery. Can someone help with this?

I am sure that no changes has been made inside the discoverAllDevices()

Discovering Only Unowned Devices on Network..
04:54.122 DEBUG: OIC_PM_UTILITY: IN PMDeviceDiscovery
04:54.122 INFO: OIC_RI_STACK: Entering OCDoResource
04:54.122 DEBUG: OIC_CA_CONN_MGR: CAGenerateToken
04:54.122 DEBUG: OIC_CA_PRTCL_MSG: token len:8, token:
04:54.122 DEBUG: OIC_CA_PRTCL_MSG: 76 5A 2E 63 33 9F C9 9A
04:54.122 INFO: OIC_RI_CLIENTCB: Adding client callback with token
04:54.122 INFO: OIC_RI_CLIENTCB: 76 5A 2E 63 33 9F C9 9A
04:54.122 INFO: OIC_RI_CLIENTCB: Added Callback for uri :
04:54.122 DEBUG: OIC_RM_UTIL: IN
04:54.122 DEBUG: OIC_RM_UTIL: IN
04:54.122 ERROR: OIC_RM_UTIL: Invalid input:options
04:54.122 INFO: OIC_RM_UTIL: Route option is not present
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Karthikeyan Prakash,
Software Engineer,
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