Begin forwarded message:

From: Jacob Appelbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 17, 2006 6:34:06 PM EST
Subject: Re: [IP] more on Tazer at UCLA

A few more interesting things of note regarding the recent Tazer
incident at UCLA. It appears that the email address for the Chancellor
is bouncing for some people, my letter wasn't returned and YMMV.

The student appears to have retained a high profile lawyer that intends
to file charges against the police ( ):

"Attorney Stephen Yagman said he plans to file a federal civil rights
lawsuit accusing the UCLA police of "brutal excessive force," as well as
false arrest. The lawyer also provided the first public account of the
Tuesday night incident at UCLA's Powell Library from the student,
Mostafa Tabatabainejad, a 23-year-old senior."

The Chancellor has responded to the many emails coming into his office

"Date: November 17, 2006
Contact: Office of Media Relations ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Phone: 310-825-2585

Updated Statement from Chancellor Abrams About the Incident at Powell
A number of students, parents and members of the public have contacted
me to express their concern about Tuesday evening's incident in which
university police took a student into custody at Powell Library. Since
the incident, I have been in close contact with the chief of police and
have asked that the investigation into the actions of all involved move
at the quickest pace possible without sacrificing fairness.

I am committed to our country's system of due process — which counsels
us not to rush to judgment. It would be best if everyone, within and
without the university, would withhold judgment pending review of the
matter. I, too, have watched the videos, and I do not believe that one
can make a fair judgment regarding the matter from the videos alone. I
am encouraged that a number of witnesses have come forward and are
participating in the investigation.

To parents who are concerned about the safety of their children at the
university, student safety and treatment are of paramount concern at
UCLA. Indeed, this incident arose out of a university policy that is
designed to ensure student safety, which requires persons in the library
after 11:00 p.m. to be prepared to identify themselves.

There are conflicting reports of what transpired in this matter. I am
confident that the review process underway will lead to a complete and
accurate story of what took place. We must let the fact-finding process
take its course.


If you'd like to make your voice heard to the authorities responsible
for the police, give them a call (thanks to

UCPD Chief of Police, Karl T. Ross (310) 825-1633 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UCPD Captain, John Adams (310) 825-4406 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UCLA Campus Police (310) 825-1491
Mr. Naples, Dean of Students (310) 825-3871


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