Begin forwarded message:

From: Alice Kehoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 4, 2006 9:02:56 AM EST
Subject: Raiding your inbox

Dave: for IP, if you wish

from Los Angeles Times

Raiding your inbox
The Bush administration's assault on privacy rights soon could reach e-mail messages stored on the Web.
December 1, 2006

IN THE LATEST illustration of the Bush administration's disregard for your privacy, the Justice Department is trying to convince a panel of federal judges that the FBI should be free to read your e-mail without obtaining a warrant.

It's not all your e-mail — only messages left on a Web-based system such as Hotmail or on your Internet service provider's computers. A 1986 law forbids the interception and disclosure of e-mail and other online transmissions without a warrant. But there is an exception. If the messages are more than 180 days old, they can be obtained merely with a subpoena or a court order, which investigators can obtain more easily than a warrant.

Now the Justice Department is arguing, in a case before an appeals court in Ohio, that even new messages can be obtained without a warrant if their intended recipient has already read them. The Justice Department views an opened e-mail left on a service provider's computer as more like a postcard left on a table than a sealed letter in a drawer. Which is to say, its owner has no reasonable expectation of privacy.

Complete Editorial at: asection/la-ed-email01dec01,1,5868619.story?coll=la-news- a_section&ctrack=1&cset=true

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