Begin forwarded message:

From: "David P. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 13, 2006 4:07:51 AM JST
Subject: Re: [IP] more on more on DHS Passenger Scoring Illegal?

David - the repetition, in this email as well as the prior one, of outright falsehoods and distortions about the actions of the imams, is offensive to me.

I accept that the writers feel that repetition of smears as if they are true is what passes for reasoned civil discourse in these days of Fox and CNBC masquerading as news channels when they are merely pundit and bigot channels.

But IP should be above that.

David Farber wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Giles Robetson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 12, 2006 9:54:53 AM JST
Subject: RE: [IP] more on more on DHS Passenger Scoring Illegal?

This is the doctrine of "captain's authority."

I don't think anybody questions the authority of the captain of an aircraft to do as he sees fit to further the safety of his aircraft, crew, and cargo
(self-loading or otherwise).

But the captain is also responsible for that authority. In this case, he
seems to have discharged that responsibility admirably, because the
behaviour the gentlemen exhibited - in positioning themselves (contrary to assigned seating) at exit points of the aircraft, and requesting seatbelt
extenders but not using them - was that which would give any captain
reasonable cause to believe the men were a threat to his aircraft.

What needs to be stopped are incidents like the one that occurred earlier this year on a Monarch airlines flight from Malaga to Manchester, where conversations between the passengers lead to the removal of two muslim men
from the aircraft, for no real cause (they'd been "looking at their
watches", and "talking in Arabic" - two activities that most Arabic speakers
will engage in while on airports.) In that incident the Captain was
instrumental in removing the men's passports and arranging for their removal from the aircraft, and he too should take responsibility for his decisions.

Giles Robertson

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