Begin forwarded message:

From: kim brooks wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 26, 2006 10:15:02 PM EST
Subject: Re: [IP] more on Govt claims warrantless access to e-mail via third party servers

This subject received quite a bit of attention when Google unveiled its policy about email stored on its servers. Google apparently doesn't delete your gmail emails when you trash them, but continues to keep them on their servers in storage. And once they've been there for 180 days

From a post this week on my new weblog

Email privacy is an enormous issue. The EFF [Electronic Frontier Foundation] <> informs us that companies which offer both internet search and email storage can collect a massive amount of personal information about users. It's possible to extract information about you from the searches you make. It's also possible for an email host to scan your emails to collect other personal details about you. Not only possible, but apparently the big players [Yahoo, MSN and Amazon] actually do this.

Google Watch <> reports that Google scans all of its clients' emails and reserves the right to "give this information to whomever they wish. . . After 180 days in the U.S., email messages lose their status as a protected communication under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

Here's a list <> in not-too-technical terms of steps for protecting yourself against your email-plus-search provider accumulating a big fat file with details on each of your lifestyle and shopping preferences.

More on the subject of Google's email privacy policy at EPIC [Electronic Privacy Information Center] < gmail/faq.html>."

Kim Brooks Wei

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