Begin forwarded message:

From: paul foldes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 30, 2006 8:55:56 AM EST
Subject: 12 30 nyt, us buing for stratetic reserve, while selling oil in kind produced on federal lands; propping up price of oil as result;another tax on us taxpayer

please omit email address if posting to IP; have some clients who would not appreciate this posting

Dave, for IP

Today's NYT: 30royalty.html?pagewanted=print

According to report: US Govt has been contracting with oil companies to resell 'in-kind royalties' for oil produced on Federal lands

Rather than cut back purchases for Strategic Reserve on open market, which props up price of oil paid by all consumers, the Interior Dept which has done such a good job accounting for and paying Native Americans for royalties for natural resources produced on their lands (litigation going on now for over 10 years in Federal Court), and has done such a good job recently contracting for the DOD , Interior Dept put in charge of reselling oil produced on Federal Lands.

Another Bush/Cheney 'oil premium' paid by taxpayers above the premium on global oil prices due to instability caused in Mid East by Iraq invasion (anticipation of which started price increase on world markets, now more than 2x ( $ 60/barrel) what price was before Bush started rattling his sword at Iraq ( $ 23 / barrel in late 2002)

Talk about a 'double' penalty for Bush/Cheney favoritism to the oil industry paid by the US (and world) petro consumers


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