>>      Your suggestion,
>>      - Swapping received home address option and care-of (in ip6 header)
>>        in ip6 layer and
>>      - Present care-of address in IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS
>>      is a good candidate (this was one of scenario in my mind), however, we
>>      need to document it at least.  Otherwise we will get low portability.
>I thought that was documented in the Mobile IPv6 spec (but it's been a
>long time since I read it, so I may just be imagining what is supposed
>to be there.)

        I don't think there's mention about swapping home and care-of
        addresses.  mobile-ipv6-12 page 12 and 32 have some description,
        but they uses "substitute" or "replace", which looks to me to
        overwrite care-of by home address (or the document does not suggest
        the gory dteail).

>>      There always are certain applications that needs to peek, or use
>>      care-of address.  From my limited experience "transparent mobility"
>>      is not usually useful, and we need "mobility awareness" in many cases.
>>      The best example is IKE traffic used for mobile-ip6 IPsec key.
>Clearly, the apps on the mobile host itself often need to be aware of
>their own mobility.  But why should apps on the correspondent node have
>to know anything?  And if they do, they should be informed by via their
>application-layer protocols, not by polling the IP layer about each peer
>to see if it happens to be mobile.

        hmm, I understood.  I may have been confused.

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