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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of yoshikazu oda
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 6:19 PM
Subject: Patent Statement

Toshiba Corporation hereby declares that if its technology defined in the
draft proposed
by Sony and Toshiba as "draft-teraoka-ipng-lin6-00.txt" is included
in a specification agreed by the IETF, it is prepared to license
its Japanese Patent Application No.2000-036693 to any applicants
for use in products which are in compliance with the specification
under reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably
free of any unfair competition, provided that such applicant
obtaining such license from Toshiba agrees to license to Toshiba
its patents necessary for Toshiba to practice the above mentioned
specification, if any, on a reciprocal basis.

 Yoshikazu Oda
Group Manager
Intellectual Property Group
Research Planning Office
Corporate Research & Development Center
Toshiba Corporation

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