>>      his way uses flowlabel as hop-by-hop modifiable field.  what kind of
>>      proposals should be presented in flowlabel special session then?
>One possible answer: only proposals that use the flow label field to
>label flows.  If we open it up to a discussion of all possible uses for
>a spare 20 bits in the header, we'll never reach any useful conclusions.
>Note, however, that we may possibly conclude that it's not very important
>to have an IPv6 header field that labels flows after all, in which case
>the field would then become reserved and subject to alternative proposals
>(though in my personal opinion, spare bits are just an invitation to
>unnecessary featuritis).
>If you don't like that answer, please let us know.  We aim to serve.

        I'm okay with the above answer, and I understand the timing constraints
        (of course I would like to hear from masa about it).

        but now I have other questions -
        (1) what is "flow" here, and (2) if people agree with the definition
        of "flow" in RFC2460 appendix A (first paragraph), why would people
        want the field to be hop-by-hop modifyable?

        the following does not seem like an "identification of flow" to me.

>   (2) a mutable value that can be or will be modified hop-by-hop,
>       like an ATM virtual circuit identifier or an MPLS label.

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