Steve and Bob,

First of all you have done an outstanding job as Chairs and the Leaders of
the IETF IPv6 Band since I met you at the Amsterdam IETF in 1993.  You have
been a guiding light and not dictating force with the working group.  You
have permitted new ideas to be presented and given all parties at all times
the opportunity to present their technical case to the working group.  You
have also lead by example through your own individual technical
contributions to the IPv6 IETF process.   As Chairs you also have taken
positions for the working group that may not have been popular or
politically correct with our dubious and lately overworked and irksome IESG
management team.  You demand technical excellence, from yourselves and us;
but at the end of the day you ship the specs.  You have also went the extra
mile out of the IETF to support implementors and the IPv6 Forum, and have
kept our IPv6 Web Pages upto date.  But, most important for me is that you
have "lead" and not just managed this working group, have done it with
integrity, and have been consistent with your processes for the working
group so we are not surprised or blindsided by decisions.  You provide a par
excellence example of how an IETF working group should be managed and how
the open process for standardization of technical specifications should be
executed.  You also have done a superb job of differentiating what is the
markets role and the IETF's role for standardization, for which I am very
happy about as a capitalist and libertarian by nature and makes my life
easier back at my day job.

Thank You and Good Job Gentlemen,

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