This is fixed in the Austin spec (
and so should get folded back into rfc2553bis when the two specs
are aligned.

>Section 6.2 of draft-ietf-ipngwg-rfc2553bis-03.txt has the following
>  If the argument node is non-NULL and the argument nodelen is nonzero,
>  then the argument node points to a buffer able to contain up to nodelen
>  characters that will receive the node name as a null-terminated string.
>  If the argument node is NULL or the argument nodelen is zero, the node
>  name will not be returned. If the node's name cannot be located, the
>  numeric form of the nodes address is returned instead of its name. If
>  the sa argument is an IPv6 address the returned nodename may be in the
>  format as defined in [5].
>However, the corresponding function prototype just described before
>the paragraph does not contain the arguments "node" and "nodelen":
>   int getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen,
>                       char *host, socklen_t hostlen,
>                       char *serv, socklen_t servlen,
>                         int flags);
>I think the notation should be consistent;  if we leave the function
>prototype as is, then the text should be rewritten using "host"
>instead of "node", and "hostlen" instead of "nodelen".
>Similarly, a succeeding paragraph has a same kind of problem:
>  If the argument service is non-NULL and the argument servicelen is
>  nonzero, then the argument service points to a buffer able to contain up
>  to servicelen characters that will receive the service name as a null-
>  terminated string. If the argument service is NULL or the argument
>  servicelen is zero, the service name will not be returned. If the
>  service name cannot be located, the numeric form of the service address
>  (for example, its port number) is returned instead of its name.
>there are no variables "service" and "servicelen" in the prototype.

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