Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino writes:
 > >Thanks for the interesting draft. (Was this discussed
 > >at the interim and were there any notes taken?)
 >      i hope that there's a note, there was a highly active discussions
 >      (partly because the draft kept many options open).
 > >One issue should perhaps also be taken up in the context
 > >of IPv6 and PPP. As we are moving (gprs etc) towards a
 > >more always-on world, it is possible that I run a PPP link,
 > >for instance, between my PDA and a GPRS terminal basically
 > >as a permanent connection. Do I want to retain the same
 > >address on it all the time, or should I be able to run
 > >the privacy extension (RFC 3041) over PPP as well? I.e.
 > >even in the static addressing model that you mention there
 > >may be needs to change the address for privacy reasons.
 >      basically the above highly depends on the assuption you make for
 >      address assignments to PDA/GPRS devices.
 >      if you follow "allocate /64 to the network behind the device" model
 >      (2nd bullet in section 2.4), you can generate new source address out
 >      of the given /64 at will.

  Er, that doesn't strike me as especially private. If there's
  a named device at that /64, I can pretty much use that subnet
  prefix to triangulate who the manufactured address is. I assume
  that many/most widgets will be named since they want to recieve
  INVITE's, and other peer-peer services.

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