Derek Fawcus wrote:
> Specifically - I see it as a way of replacing the srcPort/dstPort tuple
> that routers peek at in the TCP/UDP header.  Currently I only see this
> being used in one scenario,  that is for load balancing across multiple
> paths.
> At the moment (for v4) if a lookup on the dst address address leads to
> a route with multiple paths,  and the route is appropriatly marked,
> the flows of packets can be shared across these multiple paths.  This
> is done (for min size IPv4 headers,  carrying TCP or UDP) by hashing 
> the srcIP/dstIP/srcPort/dstPort and using this to help choose which
> path to forward the packet over.
> Given that for IPv6 we can't guarentee the TCP/UDP header is at any
> given offset,  or even that it's readable.  One would need some other
> way of identifying flows if the above load balancing was to be performed.
> For v6 a core router engine (either s/w path,  or ASIC [as fix logic
> or programable device as someone suggested]) one will not be looking
> beyond the base IPv6 header.  For an edge rouer engine,  one may well
> be looking inside the packet for say classification.
> Hence use the flowID.  Without this we could only hash based upon the
> srcIP/dstIP and hence all flows between a given src/dst pair will hit
> the same path.

Including srcPort/dstPort in a load-balancing hash is generally a bad idea,
as documented in RFC2991 pg. 3.


Steven L. Blake               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ericsson IP Infrastructure                  (919)472-9913

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