Appendix A in draft-ietf-ipngwg-addr-arch-v3-06.txt says,

:   Links or Nodes with IEEE 802 48 bit MAC's
:   [EUI64] defines a method to create a IEEE EUI-64 identifier from an
:   IEEE 48bit MAC identifier.  This is to insert two octets, with
:   hexadecimal values of 0xFF and 0xFE, in the middle of the 48 bit MAC
:   (between the company_id and vendor supplied id).  

But it seems that IEEE RA defined EUI-48 as different
concept from MAC-48.
:   MAC-48. A 48-bit identifier used to address hardware interfaces 
:           within existing 802 based networking applications 
:   EUI-48. A 48-bit identifier used to identify a design instance, 
:           as opposed to a hardware instance. Examples include 
:           software interface standards (such as VGA) or the model 
:           number for a product. 

And they defined another mapping method for a MAC-48.
The section "Encapsulated MAC-48 values" in
seems to use "FFFF" to encapsulate a MAC-48.

Note that following sentence in this clause seems to be a typo.
   "A unique EUI-64 value is generated by concatenating the OUI,
    an FFFE valued label, and the extension identifier values."

Should we also change the mapping method from a 802 address
to the IPv6 Interface ID?
Or should we continue to use FFFE?

Best Regards,

Kenji Fujisawa
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