
I need your help with the following questions for host IPv6 support:

1.      Does IPv6 fragmentation occur in TCP/IP applications? Since the
sending host should know the path MTU and there is no fragmentation by
intermediate routers, is there a reason for the TCP to send bigger segments
than the path MTU? Can we assume that for TCP applications there is no
fragmentation in IPv6?

2.      Regarding Hop-by-hop, routing, and destination extension headers
that are not of interest for us – is it allowed to skip over these extension
headers (i.e. just to read the ‘next header’ and ‘length’ fields and to go
to the next extension header, without looking inside these headers)?

3.      When multiple IPv6 unicast addresses are assigned to the same
physical Ethernet port, is it possible that these addresses will differ in
their 64 MSB bits?

4.      Is it acceptable not to send back ICMP ‘parameter problem’ massages?


Merav Haran

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