Considering that
     - a mobile operator may have up to 15-20 M subscribers (e.g. in Medium size 
country such as European countries) ... or.. 35M subscribers or more (considering 
bigger countries as...China)
     - each user attached to IMS (3gpp sip services) has got an IPV6 @
     - although Not 100% of the users have simultaneously switched on their mobile, we 
have to take some busy hour worst case
you may end-up with 20-30M or more IPV6 @ per on the APN used by mobiles to reach IMS 
services of the operator

     - the number of GGSN has to be limited to something reasonable (that obviously is 
related to technology capability)
     - we have to consider an addressing scheme that copes with foreseenable 
technological improvements on the GGSN capabilities
a rough estimate of the number of IPV6 @ a GGSN should handle on this APN should be 
between 500K and 1M.
     Best regards
        Laurent T.
      V    Laurent Thiebaut      tel: +33 (0)1 3077 0645
A L C A T E L                    e.mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Brian E Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/12/2001 19:47:17
 To:      Juan-Antonio Ibanez                                 
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               
 cc:      [EMAIL PROTECTED](bcc: Laurent               
 Subject: Re: Feedback from 3GPP about draft-wasserman        

Juan-Antonio Ibanez wrote:
> 2) Would the /64 prefix allocation preclude the use of the 6to4
> transition mechanism in 3GPP?
> 6to4 relies on a /48 prefix, meaning that only 64k mobile nodes (or
> rather "primary" PDP contexts) would be allowed on a given APN that
> supports 6to4.

Are you assuming that the APN has exactly one globally routable IPv4
address? If so, it can only own one 6to4 /48 prefix, i.e. 64k /64s
as you say. But if the APN has 2 IPv4 addresses, it can have two
6to4 prefixes, etc.

What is the realistic requirement for the number of primary PDP
contexts per APN?

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