Date:        Wed, 19 Dec 2001 11:37:55 +0100
    From:        Brian E Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Message-ID:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  | We can note the discrepancy, but I doubt if we can change
  | IPSEC at this point in time.

We wouldn't want to anyway.   The draft doesn't make the field immutable,
it just makes it usually immutable.   If it was 0 at the source, then it is
mutable, and if the host has told some router(s) that it is OK to alter it,
it is mutable as well.

Attempting to have IPSec deal with that would be silly.

So, it is possible for routers to alter it, undetectably to the receiver.
(Or unless  copy of what it should be has been sent via other methods,
which it very well might be if there's been some flow setup done - the
receiver might even have told the senders what value to use if this a
multicast session set up via sd or similar).

That it is possible however doesn't mean that we can't tell them they
must not - just as well tell them they must not increment the hop limit.
If they do, there's no way for the receiver to know, so a router could.
But it must not - it must decrement it instead.


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