Pekka Savola wrote:
> Undeniably, you can input packets with:
> - link-local source (here: ff80::1)
> - link-local destination (here: ff80::2)
> - hop limit 255
> in the tunnel interface.

Not if the tunnel interface consistency check is applied to prevent it.
If you don't want to accpet link-local packets over the tunnel you are
not required to. Accepting packets through a filter needs to be done for
each of the interfaces. If you are willing to accept packets from any
IPv4 source, but not any IPv6 source, then you have to recheck the
packet once it is decapsulated.

> Now, if the router has 'ff80::2' configured as one of it's
> pseudo-interface addresses, that address can be reached via tunneling
> hop limit 255 from anywhere.
> See the potential problem here?

Yes, the node is reachable using IPv4 from anywhere, and you are trying
to make believe that adding IPv6 is somehow a bigger problem. What is
the point? If packets can get there via IPv4, the fact that some of them
may be encapsulated IPv6 makes no difference. If a node has a policy
that packets over the global IPv4 interface go through some firewall
process, then the same policy MUST apply to the tunnel interface. If it
doesn't the site administrator is brain-dead and deserves what he gets.
If your complaint is that a site administrator can't apply grainular
policy to a link-local address over a tunnel, you are right and they
simply need to block all FE80 addresses on that interface.

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