This is getting too implementation-specific, so I guess we had better kill 
this thread, at least from here...

> allows you to add as many auto-tunnel pseudo interfaces as you'd like.
> For example, try:
>   # ip add tun1 mode sit remote R1 local L1
>   # ip add tun2 mode sit remote R2 local L2
>   ...
>   # ip add tunn mode sit remote Rn local Ln

Autotunnel/6to4 interfaces by definition don't have specific destinations;  
this is useful for configured tunnels, though.  (This is how configured
tunnels are created e.g. with probably most distributions).

> and you should see n-many 'tun' pseudo-interfaces pop up when you
> issue the command: 'ifconfig -a'. (Above, Ri and Li represent the
> remote and local IPv4 addresses assigned to pseudo-interfaces 'tuni'
> for 1 <= i <= n). The 'sit0' is simply there as a "base" upon which
> multiple pseudo-interfaces may be layered.

Multiple pseudo-interfaces should be possible, yes.  But being built this
way, the kernel performing security checks cannot know which interface is

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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