Robert Elz writes:
 >     Date:        Fri, 21 Dec 2001 08:56:26 -0800 (PST)
 >     From:        Michael Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >     Message-ID:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >   |    I sure see a difference. If my stack does that for me
 >   |    I always have the option to cd /usr/src/linux/net/ipv6
 >   |    and make it stop doing that; YMMV. In a router, I stop
 >   |    having that option.
 > If your router does it, and you don't want it to, you reconfigure the
 > router, or if that's not possible, you replace it.   If it isn't your
 > choice to change that, then you're probably attempting to defeat the
 > policies of your local net.

   Um, no. I don't want my telephant's local policy --
   which is largely to be as inflexible as
   possible -- to effect end to end semantics. I
   also don't want them to install net nanny's or
   other intelligent network junk either.

 >   |    I can. It's the slippery slope to MIDCOM.
 > I have learned to largely ignore slippery slope arguments.  They're
 > mostly FUD.
   By all means, ignore away. Lots of people think
   that it's a bunch of FUD about NAT's too. They're
   by and large completely ignorant.

 >   |    If we *really* want to preserve options here,
 >   |    let's incoprorate Christian's suggestion that
 >   |    we save a couple of bits out of the field which
 >   |    define the sematics of the flow lable.
 > Are you paying any attention to what is being suggested?  Really?

 > What I have been describing ie *exactly* what is in their draft
 > (as it stands now, before any input from the SLC meeting, or this
 > discussion on the list has had a chance to affect it).

   Yes, yes, big deal. They wanted to support
   first hop rewrite, it got a negative reaction
   and from what I can tell they're not wedded to
   that piece. Do you actually disagree, or are
   you just being argumentative?

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