Hi Hesham,

>=> Perhaps another way to look at this, is to
>come back to basics and say that the flow label
>is part of the IPv6 header, therefore it seems
>rational to let IPv6 WG define its use. 
>I don't see anything wrong with this, no other
>fields in the IPv6 header are defined by other

This is acceptable to me, if it represents a consensus view
of the WG.  But, in this case, we should go all the way
and actually specify a useful flow label -- one that
could be used to look-up cached information on intermediate
routers without a signalling protocol, for example.

But, the current effort does not seem focused on
defining an actual use for the flow label.  We seem to
be focused on defining restrictions on the flow label,
without a specific use that justifies those restrictions.


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