James Kempf wrote:
> Scott,
> > > The traffic field gives the classification. The flow label
> > > could serve as a proxy for the port number and
> > > protocol type,
> >
> > the whole point of class-based QoS is to not have to deal at the
> > port and protocol level
> >
> Good point, thanx for the clarification.
> Perhaps there is some other way to solve the problem, like
> uniform agreement among service providers on
> diffserv code points 

Explicitly rejected by the ISPs at the beginning of diffserv.
That is *exactly* why we need an e2e flow label.

> and some kind of authentication on the
> traffic classification field, so that the service
> provider could authenticate that it hadn't
> been changed in transit?

As has been said (*everything* has been said several times
over the last year), it's too late to change AH. In any case,
it doesn't matter: if people change a QOS field to request better
service, they will get it and pay for it; no problem there.

(Theft of service, or DoS by injecting bogus QOS traffic, is
taken care of by admission control at the network edge; nothing
we are discussing here changes that.)

> But this is perhaps the topic for another
> thread and maybe another working group...

This is old news to the QOS-related WGs.

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