Brian sez:
> Disagree. The QOS usages are clear and well-defined. The others are all
> pretty dumb.

I disagree on both parts of this 

Brian thinks the "other" uses for the flow label are dumb, I happen to agree
but the people who made the proposals did not think they were dumb - I
do not claim to have perfect knowledge of all things

Brian also says that the QOS usages are clear and well-defined, I see
no reason to think this is the case

The issues of how to use Diffserv and what interdomain QOS mean are 
complex and not captured by the 24 bits the WG has in play 

Who can say that it is even useful to know half way around the world
what a sender wanted for QoS when there is no way to know if that sender 
had authority or local priority to ask for that QoS and, at least at this
time, there is no way for the remote ISP to do settlements to get
paid for treating the packet in any way other than best effort

I think that a lot of work needs to be done on what QoS means in 
an inter-domain world before we can even guess if e2e QoS has any meaning.

I think Tony's proposed text is nice but it is only a cellophane fig
leaf over the fact that we have no idea how to "do" QoS in the real-world
Internet. I see no particular advantage to adopting the text.


(ps - for a data point in the mutability camp, Cisco IP phones are designed 
with two Ethernet jacks, one to connect to the wall jack - the desktop 
machine is to be plugged into the other.  The phone clears the DSCP on 
all packets it forwards from the desktop and sets the DSCP to 5 on all 
of its own data packets - I assume to protect the infrastructure from 
applications on the desktop that might overwhelm the net with packets 
marked as high priority)

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