On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Francis Dupont wrote:
>    Ingress filtering and firewalls exist already.
> => for IPv6? I'd like this is true but can you say more
> (which IOS version has IPv6 unicast RPF and/or IPv6 advanced access lists,
> which commercial firewalls have IPv6 support?)

If one vendor does not please you, you can try another (not that others
would have better support for these, necessarily) or bug them and/or wait

RPF is not required for ingress filtering, but sure makes it much easier.

>    >    Seems like this requires a two-phase approach: phase 1 before it is
>    >    available and phase 2 when/if it become available.
>    >    
>    > => you are acking what will happen after some kilometers in a deep fog:
>    > today only IPv6 raw protocol is available, not mobile IPv6, IPv6 ingress
>    > filtering, IPv6 firewalls, ...
>    You know full well that e.g. ip6fw, ipf, iptables (all free) etc.
> => no, we talk about commercial firewalls even if I share my not-expressed
> opinion about them.

Why again we should care about commerical firewalls?  Apparently their 
interests lie elsewhere; IPv6 is not significant enough for them and no 
one wants to pay for the extra.  Therefore those that care use free 

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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