On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 08:45:30PM +0100, Peter Bieringer wrote:
> --On Sunday, February 03, 2002 12:18:28 PM +0100 Brian E Carpenter
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Count the light bulbs and electric motors in your house. I don't
> > want to exclude *anything* for the future. Luxury cars already
> > contain several CAN subnets.
> Bridging can solve the problem and it's cheaper than routing.
> Perhaps a cost reduce factor.

I doubt, that optmimizing a L2 structure is much cheaper then sophisticating a
 L3 structure. Look at the tuning, which cisco (or other major player) 
does with L2. You don't want this at the end-customers household since 
it needs monitoring and fine tuning and has many sources of errors. 

However, the end-customer side and the corresponding scenarios aren't
examined enough for IPv6 so far. Is someone doing research in this
field and has some papers to read?

with kind regards,

jochen kaiser
university of erlangen
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