We recently received notice that the 3GPP has approved a change request 
to their GPRS architecture specification (23.060) based on the IPv6 WGs
recommendations in draft-ietf-ipv6-3gpp-recommend-00.txt.

The 3GPP has modified their address allocation mechanism to assign a
prefix per primary PDP context, and to allow multiple identifiers to
be used within that prefix.  This was the most important change recommended
in our document, and it eliminates the potential incompatibility between
IPv6 privacy addresses and 3GPP.  We believe that this change has been
made retroactive to 3GPP release 99, so it will be included in all 
GPRS/UMTS releases that support IPv6 address autoconfiguration.

I'd like to commend the 3GPP on their quick action to divert a potentially
serious issue.


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IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
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Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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