
Margaret Wasserman wrote:
> Before folks go and do a lot of additional work to update
> draft-ietf-ipv6-cellular-host-00.txt based on our discussions,
> I think we have to answer a fundamental question:
> Should the WG publish an informational RFC detailing the IPv6
> requirements for cellular hosts?

I don't think we should.  It just starts us down that slippery slope
of creating new "foo hosts" requirements docs.  Your following
arguments are reason enough to avoid this path.

> If so, how can we prevent the two most likely bad outcomes:
>         - 3GPP (or other) folks thinking that this document
>                 is an IETF standard?  [May be handled by
>                 a strongly worded disclaimer in the document?]
>         - Everyone with an agenda attempting to publish a
>                 similar document for their "special"
>                 category of IPv6 host?  [Can we just say 'no'?]
> I also think that we should start work on two standards-track
> documents, both of which would use the current draft as
> input:
>         - An "IPv6 over <foo>" document for 3GPP links.
>         - A general "IPv6 Node Requirements" document.

Definitely agree with this.

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