>   | You want to support IPsec and that's fine. However I don't
 >   | think you always want to run IPsec when the result is for
 >   | example a possible higher packet loss rate.
 > No, of course you don't always want to run it.   Why you you think
 > that anyone always wants to run it?   But when you need IPsec, you
 > need it - and that you happen to be using a cellular link for some
 > particular communications is irrelevant.   Whether to use IPsec or
 > not will depend upon the particular communications at any particular
 > instant, and needs to be able to be determined by the user - 
 > certainly
 > never by the implementor, who has no idea what environment 
 > (which includes
 > the remote end of communications) the equipment will be used in.

The mail I responded to was about disabling DAD and IPsec.

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