"Charles E. Perkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> That's exactly right, and I am suggesting that the draft
> be renamed to be "IPv6-support-for-what-exists-today".

Hi, appologies for a more than week old follow-up and this has
probably been mentioned.

Being confronted recently with the idea of using new unique ID's of
new links for inducing some uniqueness properties into IPv6 addresses
I think there's a need for more comfortable place within current IPv6
specs to accomodate those new things.

For example, how about better separating IPv6-over-Ethernet rfc2464
from the current address architecture draft of rfc2373?  My precise
suggestion would be to move EUI-64 and Modified EUI-64 from the latter
to the former.  Of course, there are reasons for it be where it is,
I'm just trying to understand why this is or is not possible.



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