On Sun Mar 17 15:44:36 2002 Thomas Narten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> So, I'd like to ask the WG:
> 1) Do people think that the existance of multicast within a site
>    (e.g., home, enterprise, etc.) can be assumed?
>    Note: I'm assuming link-local multicast will always work, the
>    question is whether wider scope (beyond neighboring routers)
>    multicast is available.

strong YES, however, imo
it's always good to design a protocol with separation of concerns
in mind. If, say, a service discovery needs multicast, that for
some reason is not available, then there should be an option to use
[e.g. manually configured] anycast instead.
I believe that the question deserves to be discussed IETF-wide

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